Daily Bread – January 17, 2024 (The Fourth Day – Genesis 1:14-19) Luke 17:10 – So you also, when you have done all you were commanded, say, “We are servants not deserving of praise, for we have done that which was our duty.” Our Privilege To Go To Work Surely there can be no higher honor than to be granted the privilege to function in faith and in the authority of Christ Jesus (John 14:12, 20:21; Mark 16:17-18; Acts 1:8). The disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, and His response was basically, “Get to work!” We have all received the same grace that Paul received, but has our response to God been the same? Paul said: “The grace of God was not bestowed on me in vain, but I labored more than anyone else” (1 Corinthians 15:10). He was excited and happy to go to work. There are so many gifts and expressions of the Holy Ghost that the majority of Christians have never experienced. The reason they have not stepped into what the apostles and disciples had – after a very short time with Christ – is that they have not gone to work. We only need the signs and the wonders and the demonstration of the Spirit when we are at work. These great exploits and deeds of the Holy Ghost are for setting the captives free! So let’s have some fun, and become engaged in the ministry of Jesus. We are His ambassadors, His co-laborers, and co-inheritors (2 Corinthians 5:20; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Romans 8:17). We are the sons of God with the authority to represent the Kingdom, so let’s go to work. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen