Daily Bread – January 22, 2024 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) Mark 9:23 – But Jesus said to him, “If you are able to believe, all things are possible to him that believes.” Faith Calls Forth The Miraculous There are too many people who think great faith only belongs to the spiritually elite, but this is not true. God has made faith available to anyone who is willing. The father of this possessed boy was no one of importance. He was an ordinary everyday person. Yet, Jesus revealed to him how he could take hold of a faith, and through faith, everything would become possible! Faith calls forth the miraculous. Faith made the woman with the issue of blood completely well (Mark 5:34). When Jairus’ heard the news of the death of His daughter, faith was demanded of him by Jesus if he was going to see his daughter alive again (Mark 5:36). It was faith that would make everything possible and provide the ability for an unknown man to do anything (Mark 9:23). The blind man’s faith caused him to regain his sight (Mark 10:52). We must understand if we are going to realize all of the promises and blessings, then we must also have the same faith that is produced by Jesus Christ. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 1/22/2024