Daily Bread 1/6/2023


Daily Bread – January 6, 2023 (The Sixth Day – Genesis 1:24-31) Mark 6:3 – Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon; and are not His sisters here with us? And they took offense at Him. Depth Of Relationship vs Religious Perceptions The real difference between the people of Nazareth and Jesus’ disciples was the depth of familiarity they had with Jesus. The disciples knew Jesus intimately, whereas those of Nazareth had only a casual knowledge of Him. Those of Nazareth had an earthly and common knowledge of Jesus; whereas the disciples knew Jesus not as a carpenter, but as the One Who had been baptized with the Holy Spirit, and through Whom the voice and power of God was manifested. Those of Nazareth held onto their traditions and religious dogmas; but the disciples held onto the words of Jesus, and realized the fulfillment of all that was spoken in the law and the prophets. Today, we are faced with a choice of knowing Jesus from an earthly and religious perspective, or knowing Him personally and intimately. The Holy Spirit has come to reveal Jesus and make Him known to us, but what if we refuse the ministry of the Holy Spirit – how then will we ever know Him? Jesus is present to heal and to save; if we will allow Him the opportunity, then He will prove Himself as the living Savior, Who desires to walk with us and live and dwell within us. It always comes down to a choice. There are proofs on both sides. We can limit the things of God to an earthly and common knowledge; or we can behold the glory and splendor of the words of God, and the works of power that manifest the spiritual and heavenly reality – to which God calls all men to come and enter into. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen