Daily Bread – October 31, 2023 (The Third Day – Genesis 1:9-13) Jeremiah 12:2 – You have planted them, they also took root. They grow, they also bore fruit. You are near in their mouth, but far from what controls their conduct. Doing Father’s Will From Our Heart Jeremiah was deeply concerned for the people of Israel who were being deceived by false preachers. He wondered why their ministries seemed to prosper while he was left to be the sacrificial lamb, hated and rejected. He did not realize they were going to treat him in the same way they treated God, Who had put His words in his mouth (Jeremiah 1:9). These unfaithful leaders had an outward show of being those who instructed the people of God in truth, but in reality, they led the people astray. Why was it allowed? The ministry of an unfaithful priesthood brought a spirit of strong delusion upon the people. Because of this strong delusion and deception, the people had no ears to hear the words that came from the mouth of the prophet Jeremiah. What everyone must understand is that sin makes the heart hard against God. The people of Israel had developed itching ears through rebellious and disobedient hearts, and so God sent them a spirit of strong delusion (2 Timothy 4:3; 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11). Instead of giving themselves to know the voice of the Lord through obedience and submission to His will, they gave themselves to every form of lust. We must all remain sensitive to the Spirit of the Lord so our hearts may be governed by His righteousness and holiness. We must give ourselves to faithfully obeying His Word, lest we should be overcome by the spirit of disobedience. Let there be a witness that God controls your passions and emotions by turning away from the iniquity that opposes us and seeks to influence us. Let us not only love the Lord in word, but also in deeds – doing His will from our heart! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen