Daily Bread 11/2/2022


    Daily Bread – November 2, 2022 (The Third Day – Genesis 1:9-13) 2 Corinthians 11:4 – For if one comes proclaiming another Jesus Who we have not proclaimed, or you receive another Spirit Who you have not received, or another Gospel who you have not accepted – you are all amazingly tolerant! Another Jesus, Another Spirit, Another Gospel? Paul, who had worked so hard to establish the Corinthians in Christ Jesus, was having to fight for their respect. There were those who were coming into the community of the Church preaching another Jesus, another Spirit, and another Gospel. As it has been pointed out by others, Jesus/Spirit/Gospel is a good summary of the New Covenant. What people believe about Jesus will extend over into what they believe and accept about the Holy Spirit and the Gospel message. What we can be certain of is Paul relied upon the Holy Spirit to be the One to reveal Jesus. The Holy Spirit is the One Who came to make known Jesus the Savior, Healer, Deliverer, and Baptizer. Those whom Paul was opposing were perverting the truth, and making Jesus someone different than He was revealed to be. The ministry of Jesus was established in His earthly sojourn – to which Paul made absolutely no alterations. He, like the others that were anointed to preach the Gospel, picked up the mantle and continued on in the ministry and works which Jesus Himself did (John 14:12; Ephesians 4:13; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:4; Romans 15:19). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen