Daily Bread – November 21, 2022 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) Ephesians 3:17 – That Christ may dwell in your heart by faith, being rooted and grounded in love. Faith Produces The Miraculous Christ Jesus does not dwell in our hearts by an ideology, or concept, or some unrealized hope – but by the miraculous power of faith! Too many have been duped into believing that faith is less than a miracle. That which is by faith produces radical change, and there is no change more radical than the change brought to us by salvation. If we just stop for a moment and consider that we have been born of God by the Holy Spirit and by the Word – and united with God through this work of grace – our definition of “by faith” should take on a Biblical definition. If you look at every place in the Scripture where the phrase “by faith” or “through faith” are found, you will be surrounded by the miracles of God working in and around His people. You would not have to travel further than Hebrews chapter 11; and when the Gospels are combined with the epistles of Paul, “by faith” must be seen as nothing less than the miracle power of the Holy Spirit. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 11/21/2022