Daily Bread 11/27/2023


    Daily Bread – November 27, 2023 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) John 17:6 – I manifest Your Name to the men you gave Me out of the world. They were Your’s, and You gave them to Me, and they have kept Your Word. The Name of Jesus is derived from the Greek, ‘Iesous’, which is the transliteration of the Hebrew and Aramaic ‘Yesua’ from which we have ‘Yehosua’, which literally means YHWH’s Salvation or YHWH is Salvation. We may also understand this in view of how the revelation of the Name YHWH assisted Moses. The concern that Moses had was how the people were to know that he was sent by God. YHWH, therefore, revealed His Name. Subsequently, there was a demonstration of miraculous power which was given to make known to both Pharaoh and Israel that YHWH was the One Who had sent Moses. We may also understand ‘name’ as authority which Jesus had, and which He gave to His disciples and all that would believe in Him to represent God and His Kingdom. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen