Daily Bread – December 7, 2022 (The Fourth Day – Genesis 1:14-19) 1 John 3:2 – Beloved, we are now the children of God. And it has not yet been manifested what we shall be, but when He is manifested, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is. The Manifestation of the Sons of God On that day when Christ Jesus appears, we shall also appear with Him in glory, receive our eternal and glorified bodies, and see Him as He is. Although He dwells in light no man can approach unto, nor can any man see, yet as His sons we will be allowed to see Him as He is (1 Timothy 6:16; 1 John 3:2). This event demarcates the time when all things will be made new. The bondage of corruption will be removed from all Creation at the time of the resurrection of all the sons of God. It is for this reason that all creation groans, awaiting the manifestation of the sons of God that will be revealed at the time of the resurrection (Romans 8:18-23). Even though John was allowed to look upon Christ Jesus and handle him with his hands, there still remains a far more extraordinary revelation of Him yet in the future. The revelation of Jesus is reserved for that time that we are allowed to see Him in all of His glory. Just as Jesus has given us the glory that He had in His earthly ministry, He will also share with us in the eternal glory that He has with a resurrected body. One day, the corruptible body will put on incorruption, just as Jesus showed us in the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:42-55). As we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly (1 Corinthians 15:49). Our vile corruptible bodies will be changed and fashioned like unto His glorious body (Philippians 3:20-21). This does not mean that we will be equal to Him, for He will always be God, and we His servants. He is the Redeemer, and we are the redeemed. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen