Daily Bread – February 2, 2023 (The Fifth Day – Genesis 1:20-23) Isaiah 66:2 – For all these My hand has made, and all of these have been, declares YHWH. But to this I will look, to the humble and contrite spirit and trembling at My Word. Father made known the kind of disposition that is essential if a person wants to have a relationship with Him. Men have learned how to live lives of deceit. Their relationships with one another are not rooted in love, but in selfish motivations. God has invited us into a relationship with himself, but He will not tolerate the impure motives and lies that men have been governed by. When we respond to God’s call to fellowship, He provides us with the Spirit of truth and takes away the dark and stony heart of deception. When we behold the glory and power of God, we can do nothing less than fall down in humility and thanksgiving for His loving kindness towards us. If we will take up such a life of truth that produces humility and neediness, then God will come and be our Helper and Eternal Friend. The Lord does not want to be honored with mere flattery and superficiality. He is not impressed with fashionable architecture and gold plated things. If He is going to dwell anywhere, it is going to be in a place where there is truth and purity. God does not want to be housed, He wants to be loved (Deuteronomy 6:4-5; John 14:23). Men become so wrapped up in their religious practices that they lose sight of the reality of God and Who He is. Steven, addressing the leaders of Israel (who were blinded by their tradition), quoted the first portion of this passage in Isaiah 66:1-2 just before he was stoned (Acts 7:49-50). God dwells in the highest place of glory above all things. He is not there in arrogance and domination, but in humility and purity. Those who are going to know God and inhabit eternity with Him must also take upon themselves the form of a servant and be clothed with humility (Isaiah 57:15; Matthew 18:1-4; Mark 1:44). Greatness in the kingdom of men arises out of greed and domination, but greatness in the Kingdom of God is found in humility and servitude. Jesus made it clear that those who love Him and keep His Word will be loved by the Father, and that They will come and make Their dwelling with them (John 14:23). If the Person of God and the uncompromising position of His Word do not become realities to us, then we will never humble ourselves before the Most High and truly be His obedient servants. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 2/2/2023
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