Daily Bread 2/3/2023


    Daily Bread – February 3, 2023 (The Sixth Day – Genesis 1:24-31) John 1:29 – The next day, John saw Jesus coming towards him and he said, “Look! The Lamb of God, Who takes away the sin of the world.” The Lamb Of God This would have been the next day after John testified of Jesus to the Pharisees who came to ask of him who he was. By this time, Jesus would have been both baptized by John and spent forty days in the wilderness. Evidently, after returning from the wilderness, He came back to the place where John was baptizing once again. At this time, Jesus would have met some of His first disciples. Jesus was identified as the Lamb, the Lamb of Passover, rather than the goat of Yom Kippur. Jesus would be a passover lamb of a different kind. Jesus would be the Passover Lamb for the whole world and not just for Israel (John 19:14,33; Exodus 12:46; Isaiah 53:7; 1 Corinthians 5:7). He would pour out His blood on a different kind of post, and all mankind would be delivered from a different kind of Pharaoh. The post would be a cross, and the “Pharaoh like” tyrant would be the Devil. The blood of the Lamb would become available to every person – anyone who would be willing to take His blood and apply it to their own lives. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen