Romans 15:13 – Now the God of expectation fill you with joy and peace in believing, that you abound in expectation by the power of the Holy Spirit.
There are three components of expectation: trust, patience, and waiting. All of these words are contained within the definition of the Greek word ‘elpis’ (expectation/hope), particularly in its usage in the Greek Old Testament (Septuagint). There is a confidence and assurance God wants to fill us with; and more than anything else, this is what the expectation God supplies will give us. No matter what you are facing, God wants to comfort you and cause you to have boldness. He wants you to know He will help you and protect you, and will do “whatever you ask” Him to do (John 14:13, 15:16, 16:23; 1 John 3:22).
Most importantly, we must realize how everything God expects of our lives is granted to us through our interaction with the Holy Spirit. The expectation and assurance God supplies to us through His Word and the ministry of the Holy Spirit will cause us to be filled with joy and peace. When we can be filled with the supply of the Spirit that causes us to be certain of God’s miraculous intervention, then there is nothing that can defeat us. God causes us to know we can “do all things through Christ Who strengthens us.” In the midst of this kind of fellowship with the Holy Spirit, our emotions and attitudes are filled with the kind of expectation that produces faith (Romans 14:17; Galatians 5:22; 1 John 1:4; John 15:11, 16:24)!
Therefore, it is essential we learn how to be continually filled with the Holy Spirit, so we may be strengthened by Him in our emotions and attitudes (Ephesians 5:18, 3:16). Through becoming yielded and receptive to the working power of the Holy Spirit, we may abound in all of these wonderful things God has supplied. In this joy of fellowship and interaction with God, our every need is supplied so we can continue to live in the blessings of His abundant life! (John 15:5, 10:10; Ephesians 3:20; Colossians 1:11; 2 Peter 1:3-4). Therefore, be filled!!!
Pastor Mark Spitsbergen