Daily Bread 4/1/2021


2 Peter 3:13-14 – But according to His promise, we look with expectation for a new Heaven and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells. Beloved, because of this expectation be diligent, spotless, and blameless in Him, being found in peace.

Part 3 ~ Participating In The Kingdom Through Relationship

Everything in the world is moving towards the ultimate revelation of God’s Kingdom (Isaiah 65:17, 66:22). God will have only righteousness dwelling in the world He created (Isaiah 45:8, 60:21; Daniel 9:24; Revelation 21:27; Romans 8:21)! In His lovingkindness and tender mercies, He continues to deal with the children of men – offering anyone who is willing the opportunity to live with Him in His Kingdom. The most important and relevant thing we must do everyday is to seek His Kingdom and His righteousness (Matthew 6:33; Colossians 3:1-4).

Those who have been born of God are commanded to walk in the glory of the Lord Jesus and be witnesses of His power and presence. In doing this, the Kingdom of God is revealed. When we live out our lives in the promises of God and do those things He said we should do, then the power and glory of the Kingdom is revealed. Only through this kind of relationship with God can a living faith be witnessed. When we begin to imitate Jesus and walk in the authority of the sons of God, then the message of salvation and of the Kingdom of God becomes relevant to the world around us because the power to meet their needs and change their lives is witnessed.

There are so many things Jesus commanded us to do that we must begin participating with. If we are unwilling, or even afraid to practice what God has commanded, then we become irrelevant to the witness of the resurrection and the Kingdom. We are supposed to be shining as the lights in the world, as a city set on a hill that cannot be hid (Matthew 5:14-16). We are those who ask God whatever we need and He answers and performs a miracle at our request (Matthew 7:7-8; John 14:12-14, 15:7-8, 16:23-26). Many may say this is not their experience, but that is irrelevant; because it is still the revealed will of God. All a child of God needs to do to make this their experience is to pursue a deeper relationship with God. The relationship you have with Jesus is witnessed by the faith you function in. If your relationship is weak, then your faith is weak. It is time we have a strong unwavering relationship with our Redeemer!


Pastor Mark Spitsbergen