Daily Bread 4/17/2023


Daily Bread – April 17, 2023 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) 1 John 5:12 – He that has the Son has the Life, and he that does not have the Son of God does not have the Life. God desires that we all have life – and have it to its fullness! Adam’s sin led mankind into death; and as a result, the only “life” we have known has been a separation from the life of God and His ways (2 Corinthians 5:14; Ephesians 2:1, 5, 5:14; Colossians 2:13; 1 Timothy 5:6; and Matthew 8:22; Luke 15:24,32; also Romans 5:12, 14, 15, 17, 21). John made it very clear when he said, “He that has the Son (Christ Jesus) has life, and he that does not have the Son does not have life” (1 John 5:12, 3:14; John 3:36, 5:24). To have the Son is to personally possess Him. It echoes the same message presented throughout John’s First Epistle – we now have Christ Jesus dwelling in us. The abundant life given to those who have allowed the Spirit of God to transform their lives is an eternal life which is not just a quantity of time, but a quality of life. It is the life that God has and is expressed through our lives by the Spirit of God that has been given to us. This life of God is a wellspring leaping up on the inside, inspiring love, joy, and peace. It is a river flowing from our hearts producing the unlimited supply of the goodness of God’s nature and power. Sin threatens the abundant life given to us because sin produces death. If sin is allowed to violate this life, God has made a provision that will restore us. All we have to do is call on the Name of the Lord and the life that is in the blood of Jesus removes the sin and death. Jesus has abolished death for all who will receive the gift of life (2 Timothy 1:10; Hebrews 2:14; 1 John 3:8; Romans 5:17). He has brought life and immortality to the forefront for all to see and understand. God, Who has imparted His life into us by the Spirit, also teaches us and strengthens us to do all the ways of life by the same Spirit (Galatians 3:21; Philippians 2:13). If we will be willing to obey the simple request God has asked of us in His Word, then we will grow and develop into all of the Heavenly things the Lord has for us. If we will walk in obedience to the Word and the Spirit, we will discover an ever increasing revelation of the fullness of God – His love, His peace, His joy, and the pleasures of every good and perfect gift He has created for us (Psalms 16:11; Ephesians 1:17-19; Romans 8:32). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen