Daily Bread 5/10/2022


Daily Bread – May 10, 2022 (The Third Day – Genesis 1:9-13) Matthew 8:10 – When Jesus heard him, He was amazed and said to those who followed, “Truly, I tell you, I have not found so great of faith in Israel.” Recognizing Authority The centurion was not of the household of faith, and had no rights to the Covenant and promises. He was a man of a pagan race, who did not know God. Even though Jesus was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, He could not pass by the faith of this man. The centurion’s faith created an access into the realms of the Kingdom that was not yet available, and His petition was immediately granted. Perhaps one of the advantages this man had over many in Israel was that he was not confused with all of the doctrinal questions as to whether or not Jesus was the Messiah. He, being a man exposed to great commanders and leaders, was able to recognize authority and greatness when he saw it. Today, if we will only have faith in God, we will see the great things that He has promised become a reality in our lives. If we will have faith that Jesus is exalted above all other rulers and authorities, everything being subject to Him, then we can be certain that what He has said, He is also able to do. We can have the same confidence the centurion had, and know that because Jesus has spoken the word – that is all we need. We do not have to wait until we can see it with our eyes in order to believe; for His Word is evidence enough for those who are convinced of Who Jesus is! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen