Daily Bread – May 27, 2023 (The Seventh Day – Genesis 2:1-3) Matthew 7:24 – Everyone, then, who hears these words of Mine and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who builds his house upon a rock. Wise vs Foolish There is only one thing that separates the wise from the foolish, and that is obedience to the Word of God. The wise hear the instructions of the Lord Jesus and do them, but the foolish hear and do nothing (Matthew 7:24-26; Titus 1:16; James 2:17-26). The religious may sit in every meeting, they may know how to reference every subject in the Bible, but the doing of the Word never becomes a part of their lives. The disobedient may recognize that the Bible is the Word of God, and though they come under conviction, still they are unwilling to repent and turn from their sins and put into practice what they know to be true. However, the wise person will see that the ways of the Lord are good and righteous altogether. He will see that there is a great reward in keeping the Word of the Lord and will diligently apply himself to the ways of God and grow. He will esteem the Word of God as great riches, and holiness as a great reward. The ways of the Lord will be as a pearl of great price and as a treasure hidden in a field, which after finding, then gladly sells everything for its value (Matthew 13:44-46). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen