Daily Bread 6/1/2022


Daily Bread – June 7, 2022 (The Fourth Day – Genesis 1:14-19) Romans 8:17-18 – And if children, also heirs – God’s heirs and Christ’s co-inheritors; if indeed we suffer, we shall also be glorified together. For I calculate that this which befalls us now for a season is not worthy of the glory that is about to be revealed in us. God’s Heirs Are Being Shaped For His Glory Being born of the Spirit, and thus becoming sons of God, has provided the believer with the full benefits of inheritance with Christ Jesus. Such mercy and grace as has been lavished upon us by the Father is far beyond all we could think or ask (Ephesians 3:16-21). Accordingly, Paul’s calculation is that the level of suffering we endure now is not even in the same category with the glory which is about to be revealed. Actually, when Paul was writing to the Corinthians, he referred to this suffering as a light affliction (2 Corinthians 4:17). The Greek word Paul uses to help us put things into proper perspective is ‘logizomai’ (translated “calculate”) which refers to a “logical reality”. Now, the logical calculation is that the suffering is so insignificant in comparison to the glory it is almost meaningless. How are we supposed to deal with the suffering and pain we encounter here in this life? Paul, who had more than his share of opposition and turmoil, reveals to us how to live life free from discouragement. All we need to do is realize the hand of God is shaping us for greatness both now and in the future. We must realize He is not only with us through these things, but He is so close to us we are under His shadow (Psalms 91:1). We must realize whatever “groanings” we may encounter today will be overshadowed by the glorious liberties of tomorrow. As a result, we will not lose our confidence and joy which will result in a great reward (Hebrews 10:35, 3:6, 11:26). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen