Daily Bread – June 26, 2023 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) John 8:36 – If, then, the Son shall set you free, you are really free. Acknowledging What God Has Done For Us I have seen too many people buy into the lies of Satan condemning them and holding them prisoner after they confessed being born of God. Only faith can liberate, and faith is found in the words which God has spoken (Romans 10:17). At whatever point we fail to believe what He has said, then we will not be liberated. But if we will believe the truth, then the truth will set us free. We must recognize if we will simply obey God’s Word and believe those things which He has said, then everything He has promised is ours. We must be willing to hold fast to our confession without wavering because God is faithful Who has promised (Hebrews 10:23). If there is a recurring problem in our lives, then we should recognize we have been given all power and authority to bring it to an end. If we would simply hunger and thirst for righteousness, then God will fill us up (Matthew 5:6). If we are sick in our body, then we can be certain of our healing (James 5:13-15). If there is a problem in our emotions from a tragic memory, then God will show us how to bring every thought into captivity (2 Corinthians 10:4). Jesus came to set the captive free, and He does it instantly and immediately if we will only believe (Luke 4:18). When we are faced with unforgiveness, then all we must do is yield to the Holy Spirit and His love will rush through our emotions like living water and forgiveness will be easy and glorious. God is desperate for us to live out the abundant life, and we should be desperate to have it. Today, let there be in your thinking and conversation an acknowledgment of every good thing that is in you, so your faith may work effectually (Philemon 1:6). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen