Daily Bread – June 3, 2022 (The Sixth Day – Genesis 1:24-31) Romans 8:19 – For the Creation eagerly awaits the manifestation of the sons of God. Creation’s Eager Expectation & The Ministry Of Sonship The eager awaiting, or expectation, of Creation is to be liberated from the bondage of corruption, which will happen at the time of the first resurrection. This also can be understood from Isaiah in that during the millennial reign of Christ, the lion will lay down by the lamb and the child will put his hand in the viper den (Isaiah 11:5-8, 65:25). The millennial reign of Christ immediately follows the first resurrection (Revelation 19-20). The ministry of sonship has begun. As the sons of God, we are taught by the Holy Spirit how to function in the power and authority He supplies – to do the works of Jesus and proclaim liberty to the captives. Yet, there is still more to being sons than what we can see right now. The full revelation of all God has made us through redemption will not be manifested until we receive a glorified body (Philippians 3:14,21; 1 Corinthians 15:49). At that time, we will see Him as He is, for we shall be like Him (1 John 3:2; John 17:24). When we step into that heavenly tabernacle, and then ultimately into the resurrected body, a whole new dimension of sonship will be revealed (2 Corinthians 5:1-8). J.B. Phillips put it well when He translated Romans 8:19,”The whole Creation is on tiptoe to see the wonderful sight of the sons of God coming into their own” (Mounce, p. 184). Although we are not in this unspeakable glorified state, we are still the sons of God with the authority of the Son, Christ Jesus. There is a great liberating work needing to be done right now so men might be saved. If we walk in the Spirit and live in the Spirit, then the glory of sonship will be seen and the benefits of this abundant life enjoyed (Romans 8:14-15,18; Galatians 3:26, 4:6). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen