Daily Bread 8/17/2022


Daily Bread – August 17, 2022 (The Fourth Day – Genesis 1:14-19) Titus 3:6 – Which He poured out abundantly through Jesus Christ our Lord. God, Who is rich in mercy, has done for us what we could never have done for ourselves. Our Heavenly Father loves us so much He gave us the most valuable and sacred things precious to His heart: the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. He poured out the blood of Jesus at Calvary so every stain of sin could be removed and every power of Satan broken. Through the blood of Jesus, the life of God flowed into everyone who would look to the sacrifice of God and accept so great a salvation. He poured out the Holy Spirit upon us so the miracle of new life could be formed within us – the miracle of a new heart and a new spirit, the very life of Christ conceived and brought to life – all through one act of grace. We are washed and regenerated by the power of the blood of Jesus and by the Holy Ghost (Titus 3:5). The fountain of life pours out His undiminishing grace freely and continuously upon all who will receive. The blood of Jesus is as active today as it was when it first flowed from His body at Calvary. It will cleanse you and wash you and make you whiter than snow. It is undiminishing in its power, and is a continuous witness of God’s mercy supplied, as He calls all men everywhere: “Come to the fountain that flows from Emmanuel’s veins!” His forgiveness is unlimited when we confess our sins and take hold of His mercy which He has poured out abundantly by the blood of Jesus to cleanse us from every one of sin’s stains (Matthew 26:28; Isaiah 1:18; 1 John 1:7; Revelation 1:5, 3:18, 19:8; Romans 3:25). The fountain from on High of the Holy Spirit – which creates the miracle of the life of Jesus within us and the supply of the Spirit to do all that the Father demands – is like a mighty river. This fountain cannot run dry; this river is deep and wide, forever flowing to the heart of man from God. All Heaven cries out, “Come and drink!” The Spirit and the Lamb say, “Come!”, the Bride and everyone who has received cry out in unison, “Come, take freely of these waters of life and live!” The provision of God is more than enough to do all He commands. The grace He has given cannot fail those who will put their trust in Him. The blood of Jesus is always there to cleanse, and the Holy Spirit is always there to give us the ability to do what God demands. These two can never fail if we will only put our trust in them. There is no reason to linger in your doubt, or be overcome with sin or disappointment. There is a fountain flowing – the refreshing from the Lord. Come and abide here. His love will never fail! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen