Daily Bread 8/4/2023


Daily Bread – August 4, 2023 (The Sixth Day – Genesis 1:24-31) Hebrews 11:1 – Now faith is the reality of things expected, the proof of what is not seen Believing For The Impossible Faith brings into reality those things God’s Word has led you to expect. Faith also demonstrates that which cannot be seen. Even as the worlds were made from unseen things, faith that comes by hearing the Word of God demonstrated things which are not under the control of man. Not that long ago, there was a evangelistic crusade in the nation of Nepal. Everyone said it was impossible to rent the National Stadium which was the icon for the kingdom of Hinduism. Yet, knowing the promises of God, faith not only brought to pass the impossible event resulting in thousands of salvations, but the Church in the nation began to experience unprecedented growth. After that crusade, when a great missionary organization took their cameras to Nepal to document a Church planting work by a young preacher who was impacted by that crusade, a storm began to come up that would have disrupted the meetings. The young preacher commanded the wind and the storm to cease and immediately the wind stopped and the storm dissipated. The young preacher turned to the camera and said, something like, “God has taught us to believe for the impossible.” Now faith is the reality! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen