Daily Bread – August 7, 2023 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) Matthew 4:19 – And He said to them, “Come, follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” Jesus Modeled How We Would Live His Life If we will follow Jesus, He will show us how to reach the lost. Jesus took those who would follow Him and He showed them how to flow in the anointing. Jesus began healing the sick and every kind of disease – everyone who was taken with disease and torments and those possessed with devils, He healed (Matthew 4:23-24). It was by the display of the power of God that the Gospel of the Kingdom was preached. Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost to heal all those who were oppressed by the devil, and His disciples would have to learn to function in the same anointing if they were going to preach the Gospel. Today, there is much confusion about what it means to follow Jesus. It has almost been reduced to nothing more than attending a church service, learning a few songs, and participating in one of several religious practices. However, nothing of this sort is modeled by Jesus – nor is it described in the Bible. Rather, Jesus describes the activity of the Holy Spirit being expressed in the lives of those who would believe: they would have rivers of power of the Holy Spirit flowing through them (John 7:38-39). Those who believed would do the works He did and greater works – from casting out devils to healing the sick (John 14:12; Mark 16:17-18). Those who would say this was only limited to the first disciples have no basis to do so because these commands and expectations of God are woven into the commands Christ Jesus gave to all those who would believe. His Church was baptized in the Holy Ghost and fire, and each believer was to learn to walk in the Spirit and be led by the Spirit. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 8/7/2023