Daily Bread 9/7/2023


Daily Bread – September 7, 2023 (The Fifth Day – Genesis 1:20-23) Acts 4:30 – By stretching out Your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the Name of Your Holy Child Jesus. Father’s Devotion To Exalt Jesus’ Name There is yet another hindering misconception in the minds of many who fail to go to their knees and to their Bibles to hear the will of the Father. We need to understand how it is the will of the Father that these signs, wonders, and miracles take place so there may be proof of the Resurrection and the Name of Jesus may be glorified among all nations (John 16:13-15; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:5,8, 2:33, 3:16; Psalm 46:10). The Father is devoted to the Name of Jesus being exalted, and the Holy Spirit has come so we may function in the power of the Kingdom for this purpose. If we fail to believe and move with expectation that these things will happen, we will discover ourselves in a prison of doubt and despondency. Miracles, signs, and wonders confirm the Good News. And when we go, He also goes with us confirming His Word (Mark 16:20; Acts 8:5-7,12, 19:8,11-12). When we stretch out our hands upon the sick and tormented, Father stretches forth His hand upon them too. The Father has sent us in the authority of the Kingdom to heal and to save in Jesus’ Name. This is the Gospel – The Good News! (John 20:21; Mark 16:16-18). Because the disciples were not willing to back down from the will of God – but cried out for more – the place was shaken, and they were all filled again to function in all the things which the Father demands! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen