After having ministered in several places in Egypt and some forbidden areas of the Middle East and China the opportunity to hold a crusade in Nepal miraculously presented itself. I first heard about the freedom that had come to Nepal in the latter part of May 2006 and immediately began to ask the Lord to raise up someone to go into this nation while the window of opportunity was open. It had been against the law to convert Hindus to Christianity but I knew God was about to do something new among those of this nation that had been held in prison for so long. Through a series of divine events over 180 pastors from Nepal organized and participated in putting a crusade together in September of 2006 in the city of Kathmandu.
Together the pastors and I set out to test the new found freedoms and publicly invite Hindus to come to Jesus and to accept Him as the only true and living God. From the first day God did extraordinary things in the meetings. Every morning we held a special meeting for the pastors and leaders and in the afternoons there were meetings for everyone. Every bus and van that we could rent and that was donated was packed to capacity inside and outside. The people came hungry for a move of God and the power of God was present to both heal and save.
We watched as the Lord Jesus Christ did signs and wonders, the mute spoke, the deaf heard, the blind saw, the crippled walked, devils went out of those possessed and Hindus were transformed by the power of Jesus. Yes there were some in the meeting that did not get healed and some who did not surrender their lives to Jesus but some of the pastors told us that this was the largest gathering of Christians that they had ever witnessed in Nepal. Others told us of their awe over the display of the power of God and we all rejoiced in God who makes all things possible.
On the last day of the three day crusade we had the largest gathering of pastors and church leaders of the previous days. I did not count them but I am told that more than 2000 chairs were set out and they were all occupied. The afternoon meeting was also the largest of the previous meetings with some estimating the crowd to be as much as 10,000 people. During the testimony time there were more people testifying of miracles and salvations than we had time to hear. At the time of the altar call for salvation the front was packed with hundreds of people. I prophesied as I beheld an open vision and saw peace come to the Nation of Nepal, which took place within two months of the crusade. I also spoke saw the nation of Nepal receive the church and the Christian community as an asset and blessing to the nation, a process which also has begun.
If we would have had more buses and vans we would have had more people in the crusade. Many of the people who desired to come had to be left behind because there was no room for them. Please believe God with us that no one who wants to come to these historic meetings at the National Stadium this March will be denied.
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