Daily Bread – March 18, 2023 (The Seventh Day – Genesis 2:1-3) Mark 7:7 – In vain they worship me, teaching human concepts as doctrines. History Repeating Itself God desired to live in the midst of Israel, but they were more interested in their own ideas and concepts. He wanted the nation of Israel to take on His nature and disposition, but they refused to listen and be converted. Today, through the redemption in Christ Jesus, we also have been given the privilege of having God dwell in our midst. He has brought salvation to us that will transform our nature and give us a new heart and a new spirit. He desires to take His Church and set it up above all the nations of the world, and show forth His glory and power to heal and to save (Matthew 21:43, 16:18; Ephesians 1:22-23, 4:11-13, 5:27,32; 1 Corinthians 12:28). Yet we, like Israel, are consumed with our own ideas and traditions. We have become so inebriated with our own selves that we have limited the supernatural realm of God to human commandments and actions. We need to humble ourselves and hear the voice of God calling us to come and walk in the Spirit. We need to hear Jesus saying come and follow me. Of course, every denomination says this is what they are doing – but are they doing His deeds? If not, then we must all ask ourselves who are we going to follow – will it be the modern day counterparts to those who draw near to God with speeches and proclamations but do not have hearts united with God’s will and purposes? What is worship of God other than doing His will from the heart? Will you be willing to come under the authority of God, and only do what He says to do and say what He says to say? Will you be willing to love God and keep His commandments? Let us not be “stage actors” (hypocrites), but let us do the will of God from the heart and allow Jesus to be revealed in our lives. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 3/18/2023