Daily Bread 6/13/2022


Daily Bread – June 13, 2022 (The Second Day – Genesis 1:6-8) Romans 8:26-27 – And in like manner also the Spirit helps our frailty for we do not know what we need to pray for, but the Spirit intercedes with inexpressible groanings. And He that searches the heart knows what the thoughts of the Spirit are because according to God He intercedes on behalf of holiness. The “Groanings” Of Creation, The Saint, And The Spirit The Greek word that is translated groan, or sigh (stenagmous), refers to a deep inward emotion. This is captured in Paul’s usage of the word in 1 Corinthians 5:2, where he refers to the deep desire he has to put off the earthly tabernacle so he might be clothed with the heavenly one. Romans chapter eight reveals that the Creation groans, the redeemed groan and the Spirit groans within the believer (Romans 8:22-27). The corruption that is in the Earth causes the creation to groan; the corruption of a corruptible body causes the redeemed saint to groan, and the weakness of the believer causes the Spirit to groan. While we consider the relationship between Creation, the saints, and the Spirit, we must first recognize that while the saints are still in a corruptible body, they have been delivered from the spiritual corruption resulting from sinful lust (2 Peter 1:4; Ephesians 4:24; 2 Corinthians 5:17-18). To understand what these groanings, or deep sighs are, we must also keep the subject within the context of the joy and rejoicing brought to us by the Holy Spirit. Now knowing this particular word, “to sigh, or groan”, is set as an opposite to the joy in Hebrews 13:17, we are dealing with something grieving and/or troubling to the Holy Spirit. We also observe a similar expression when Jesus prayed for the deaf mute who was vexed with such an affliction (Mark 7:34). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen