Daily Bread – November 1, 2023 (The Fourth Day – Genesis 1:14-19) Hebrews 10:14 – For by one offering, He has forever perfected those who are made holy. Perfection In Jesus Many people act as though the Bible does not discuss perfection, but nothing can be further from the truth. As soon as we begin to talk about perfection, many people become intimidated because they think we are referring to things such as freedom from ignorance, mistakes, or temptation, and in the words of John Wesley, “…a thousand infirmities connected with flesh and blood.” However, perfection is the life and glory of Jesus Christ, our Lord, reigning over our lives by the Holy Spirit until we all come unto a perfect man – for we are perfected by one sacrifice, Christ Jesus (Hebrews 2:11, 7:19, 10:14). The only perfection we have is not of ourselves, but of the Holy Spirit Who both produces and reveals the life of Jesus in us. If we are going to have the glory of His love, which joins us unto the motions of His actions and yokes us together with Jesus Christ, then we must yield to Him (Colossians 3:1-4; Matthew 11:9-10). Through the centuries of people developing theological concepts, much of the heart of the matter is lost in semantics. Rather than talking so much about the doctrine of justification or sanctification – and being lost up in the concepts of processes, we should rather talk about what it means to walk with Jesus and be filled with the Spirit everyday, for all of those things are only a reality when the life of Jesus is revealed in us. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen