Daily Bread – November 16, 2023 (The Fifth Day – Genesis 1:20-23) John 15:16 – You have not chosen Me, but I have chosen you. And I appointed you that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain – so that whatever you ask the Father in My Name, He will give it to you. Expect God’s Miracle Answers! Every promise of God will come to us by a miracle work of God. Miracles are simply God at work. A miracle takes place when God reaches in with His hand to do those impossible things we have asked Him to do. When miracles take place, we stand back and watch as God intervenes to bless us and make impossible things work. However, we must realize the miracle of the Red Sea would have never taken place if Israel had not been willing to step out in faith and walk into that difficult situation. The impossible place became the opportunity for God to show forth His mighty power and love for His people. Just as it was for Israel, it will also take the intervention of God if we are to have the things God has appointed us to. Will you begin to ask God for His promises to be fully realized in your life? Will you allow Him to take you to the places of impossibility so you can come to know that your Friend will not let you down (Romans 4:16-17; James 2:23; Matthew 17:20, 19:26, 10:29-31; Luke 1:37)? God wants to teach us that we can trust Him – and that not one of His promises will fail us (2 Corinthians 1:20)! Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen
Daily Bread 11/16/2023