Daily Bread 12/16/2022


Daily Bread – December 16, 2022 (The Sixth Day – Genesis 1:24-31) 1 John 1:2 – And the Life was revealed, and we have seen and bear witness and we proclaim to you that Eternal Life which was with the Father and was revealed to us. The life, the Eternal Life, which is the very Life of God Who also was with God, was incarnated into flesh and revealed to all mankind. To have Jesus is to have life, and to be without Him is to be dead while you live. Jesus was the Eternal Life Who revealed the Eternal Life that God made available to all who would believe. The very Life of God was not only manifested, but also imparted through the redemption that God had granted. Jesus, as the Son, refers to God as His Father more than a hundred times in the writings of John. It was the Father Who gave us His Son, and Who was also active in bringing men to Jesus. He draws them to present them to His Son, Who alone can give them life (Matthew 16:17; John 6:44, 5:21). Many people encountered Jesus, but they refused to see He was the Life. Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen