Daily Bread 6/20/2023


    Daily Bread – June 20, 2023 (The Third Day – Genesis 1:9-13) Ephesians 2:19 – Now then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but are fellow citizens, holy ones, and of the house of God. Members Of God’s Household We are members of God’s household and are fellow citizens with all those who trust in the Lord Jesus. Through Christ Jesus, all the covenants of promise have been extended to everyone, so that we may enjoy all God has planned for those who love Him (John 14:21; 1 Corinthians 2:9). We now have both our citizenship and lifestyle in the Kingdom of God, where we are seated with Christ Jesus and living in a Heavenly realm (Philippians 3:20; Ephesians 2:6, 3:14-15; Galatians 4:26; Hebrews 12:22). We now enjoy all the authority and rights and privileges of the sons of God. We are those who are of the House and family of God, who should now bear the image of the Heavenly, for it is Christ Jesus Who lives in us and must be witnessed through our lives – so all men might see through the actions and conduct of our lives the glory of the Father (John 15:1-5; Philippians 1:21; 2 Corinthians 3:3, 4:10). Blessings, Pastor Mark Spitsbergen